An Introduction to the 2007 Trip

rnrnWelcome to the page for the 2007 trip to India. The trip is going to be held between 3rd February and 21st February, after the sixth form exams have finished and will last for two and a half weeks.rnrnThe group consists of 10 individuals, 8 members of the current upper sixth, and 2 members of staff (Mrs Weldon and Miss Devlin). rnrnWe have on this page a detailed outline of what we are going to be doing in India, a map so that you can see where we are going, and throughout the trip, pictures and a diary.rn

16 replies
  1. samuelbell
    samuelbell says:

    you know i love you all.
    rni hope you have a good time, and take care of my two lovely teachers.


  2. Bekah
    Bekah says:

    U kno im gona miss u! My bday wnt b the same without u! But wat ur doin is gr8! Have an excellent time and safe journey! Miss Devlin ill book the stripper for the ball while ur there! Love you all and missing u already! Bekah xxx


  3. lauren n maidie n laura x x x
    lauren n maidie n laura x x x says:

    hellloooooo siobhan x! we r gunna miss ur helpful tips on the old drama but then agen we hate u no hu…. lol but we luv u still
    nenjoy ur stay in udayan we shall c u very soon!! happy birfday 4 lst sunday aswelll u will b recievin ur pension sooon haha we r very funni! neways dnt hurry bak from ur luvlyyyy pupilss xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


    XXMARIAXX says:

    Hi ya xSiobhanx!!!!!!! hope you have fun and think of me all the time hehehe miss ya in drama it noooooooo fun with out you. mind you your a big distraction!!!!!!!!! at least with you gone i will get some work done
    nLUV YA xmariax


  5. Jodie
    Jodie says:

    Helllooooo to all! [Especially the drama people!]
    nHave a wicked time!
    ni envyyy youuu, soo jealous!
    nRemember to rehearse every night for our drama performance!
    nAnd retakers… Think of plenty of ideas for ‘The Threepenny Opera’!!!
    nMisss You!
    n(Especially Siobhan who is finally 18!!!:p)
    nI will leave a comment on the day but…


  6. Kevin O'Shea
    Kevin O'Shea says:

    Hey Everyone


    Just a quick note to say good luck and Bon Voyage to you all.


    I’m sure you’ll have a fantastic time, and I’ll be glued to your travel diary.


    All the Best




  7. Mimi
    Mimi says:

    I wanted to say good luck to you all. It will be an amazing experience!! so just think of us back home sitting in lessons while your on the Ganges! :p
    nHAVE A GREAT TIME! (miss you already katherine!)
    nMimi xxxxxxxxx


  8. Grace
    Grace says:

    Hey Guys,
    nI think that you are on the plane atm
    nJust to say have a really great time (in the nice hot sun having the time of your lives, while we are sitting in alevel lessons in the freezing cold- bet you are going to miss that :P)
    nMake the most of this fantastic experience and look after yourselves 🙂
    nwill be looking forward to hearing what you are getting up to!
    nx x x x x x x x x x
    nps did everyone get to the airport on time 😛


  9. xXx FrAnCesCa XxX
    xXx FrAnCesCa XxX says:

    Helloooooooooooo every1!!! Hope the plane journey wasn’t too bad and didnt drag on for too long!! Siobhan and Grace – did you open my notes?!? remember Shane you can’t open yours til the 19th (oooooo BdAy BoI!)
    nI’m wishing you all the luck in the world during the trip and have an AMAZING time, make the most of this once in a lifetime opportunity!
    nGona miss you all loadz especially my bezziechum Siobhan 😀 i love the way your profile bit is the longest out of everyone’s hehe typical lol
    nWent to Sarah’s last night and didnt get in til 2am so cancelled my driving lesson for this morning lol yes im a lazybum! Siobhan i missed getting ready with youuuuu 🙁 tear o and Kirsten has a car! woop!
    nNealio – Michael missed his raving partner when RatPack tunes were coming on last night lol 😀
    nMartin and Sonia FINALLY came out of Eastenders on Friday night Shivvy lol YAY good riddance they are toooo annoying.
    ni better go and do some history an english hw now, o joy. once again have a fabulous time and take care, be safe and i can’t wait to read your diary entries!
    nLoadza Love and Frannypoo huggles XxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxxxxxXxX
    nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxMISS YOUxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


  10. Sophie
    Sophie says:

    Hey Katherine! Aww its too quiet in our street now! I’ve finally found out how to leave a message you know what I’m like with technology! Just listening to your CD now but have no one to sing it with me and the nieghbours probably think I sound awful. Hope you are having fun with Paddy and Shane and Ill leave a message to morrow.Hope you dont have jet lagg and that the mozzies haven’t eaten you yet! missing you though love Sophie xxx I’m gonna rummage through your scarf collection later! xxx


  11. Bekah
    Bekah says:

    Hey guys! Glad 2 hear u got there well and r enjoying urselves! Missing u already! Shane bet u cant wait 4 ya bday!!! Ill b thinking of u! Love ya lots xxx


  12. Jamie
    Jamie says:

    Nice to see that everything is going good out there. hope you really enjoy the rest if the trip. see you all soon .
    nJamie (Dunlop)


  13. [x]rebecca rand[x]
    [x]rebecca rand[x] says:

    hi trish
    nguess what ure school is off today aswell and so is mine mum, emily and matt had to go in though so i am at your house. kelsey was supposed to come round and everything so we could take er dancing but now she cant so shes coming in the half term
    nkeep u updated
    nlots of luff


  14. Charlie G And Jenny S!!
    Charlie G And Jenny S!! says:

    The taj mahal looks so beautiful!! Was it as good as you thought it would be Miss Devlin?! Hope your enjoyin it! It snowed sooo much here!! 2 Snow days!! wooohoo… half term early, which is good because 6th form is fallin apart without u miss! Seriously we can’t wait till your back!! “Hello Grace!! miss u ldz Cuz!” ( luv jenny!) Wer keep you posted about the weather! bet its luvly and hot over ther!! Enjoy yourselves and don’t work 2 hard!! Love 2 all!!


    Charlie and Jenny! xXxXxXx


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