Visiting Brother Gaston
Last night’s performances and dinner beat all of our expectations. The children of Udayan performed several songs and local dances and put on a display of yoga! It was very entertaining and truly displayed the talents of the children. It was then our turn!! The audience were very attentive and seemed to like our program of singing and dancing with a card trick thrown in. The YMCA in particular went down a treat! We then had to say our goodbyes to the children before we were whisked away for our rooftop dinner. The food was absolutely amazing and the surroundings made it a really special evening. It was a fantastic way to end our time at Udayan. rnrnThis morning we travelled out to visit Brother Gaston and his home for orphans and mentally handicapped adults. It was an awe inspiring place that touched us all greatly. rn
rnWe were privileged enough to be able to spend some time with Brother Gaston and he told us about his work with the poor in India for over 40 years. He is truly inspirational and we would have loved to have spent more time with him but unfortunately our visit was over far too quickly. It was then back on the bus for the bumpy ride back to the hotel. rn
rnOnce we were back at the hotel, we quickly made the finishing touches to our “packed†suitcases ahead of our long journey back home. We will all be taking back many wonderful memories of our 18 days in India – a trip we will never forget. rn