Daniel McNamara
My name is Daniel McNamara and I am currently in the sixth form at St Joan’s. I am taking Religious Studies, History and Design & Technology at A level. Next year I hope to go to university where I would like to pursue my studies of Religion and History. rnrnI first became involved with Udayan through the sixth form fundraising week for the children there, and it was during this time I learned all about the home. I myself took part in the pyjamas day which involved a crowd of us getting sponsored to attend lessons, walk around the school and Rickmansworth in our nightwear. Mine were pink and not very warm! It was after this that I asked if I could go on the trip because I was interested to see Udayan and the work it carries out. rnrnI hope to gain a wider perspective from this trip, and believe the experience will be challenging and fulfilling. I think I may return with a better understanding of what is important in life.rn