Presentation given to Police in Hendon
On October 29, armed with a laptop, extensive notes and a carefully planned talk, the 4 representatives of the Udayan trip at St Joan of Arc, along with Mrs Weldon travelled to Hendon Police Academy, where we gave a talk on India, leprosy and Udayan to ‘Blue Intake’.
The purpose of the talk, which was given to 150 police students, was to make them aware of the plight of the children who live in the slums in Kolkata so that they would choose to support Udayan as their charity. Apart from a few teething technical problems at the start, the talk went very well, and included facts about leprosy, clips of fund raising events and a reading from ‘City of Joy’. All of the police recruits seemed very enthusiastic, and we have great hopes that they will raise lots of funds for the children of Udayan!