We write to you this evening from a computer at Udayan.

This morning we got up early to go to Mass and to receive the Ashes from Rev. James Stevens, the founder of Udayan. As well as running Udayan, he is also a parish priest at a church in the heart of Kolkata, just a few minutes walk from our hotel.

After having breakfast and packing our overnight bag, we set off for Udayan and arrived just after 12:00. The computers and train set awaited so we set off to work, the girls repairing and dusting the model railway and the boys putting together the machines that have been donated by St Joan of Arc.

Setting up the computers

The train set

We ate a lovely lunch cooked by the chef at Udayan, and then finished off the jobs before going out and playing football with the older boys who had returned from High School. When the children had to go and do their evening study, we took time to prepare the performance we are putting on tomorrow, which at the moment consists of singing, dancing and even some gymnastics!

Tom directing the computers


9 replies
  1. Paige
    Paige says:

    Hey Ange,
    rnsounds like you’re all havin a wicked time, keep havin fun and try not to cry too much. Ange we all miss you loads (carter is tryin to talk, sayin bird) everyone misses you, keep having fun and Jenny we missed your assembly for ash wednesday. miss you lots Paige xxx

  2. Katie and Niluka (Year 5)
    Katie and Niluka (Year 5) says:

    Dear India Explorers,
    rnWe are in Mrs Ridley’s (Chris’s mum’s) class. On Wednesday, we looked at your website in our I.T. lesson. We loved looking at the wonderful pictures and good descriptions – you must be having LOADS of fun!
    rnFrom Niluka and Katie x

  3. Callaghan Family
    Callaghan Family says:

    What a brilliant web site – I’m glad we were reminded to look at it. The photographs are great and it is lovely to be kept up to date with your travels. What a fantastic experience you are all having. Make the most of it.

  4. Dominic
    Dominic says:

    Website and pics are great… Guess this is the easiest way to ask you guys if your interested in doing a charity firewalk at the end of february, just give me an e-mail. See you when you get back… Dom 🙂

  5. T Devlin
    T Devlin says:

    Hello everyone! I have just been reading all about your experiences – it sounds fantastic! How did the performance go? The website is brilliant – I can’t wait to hear all the stories and see the photographs when you get back. We all miss you in the Common Room! Take care and keep having fun. Miss D

  6. Fiona Callaghan
    Fiona Callaghan says:

    Hey guys!The trip sounds absolutely fantastic!Really regret not putting my name down last year now!Big hello and well done to everyone, (special hello to kerry!Looks like i am back from uni till the 19th so will be able to come out for ur bday!Watford high streets not much compared to the taj mahal!) See you all soon xx

  7. Patricia
    Patricia says:

    hey everyone,
    rnglad you are all having a nice time, sounds amazing, pictures are amazing aswell. Everyone is missing you all. Especially emma chris.
    rnChris and Jenny hurry back we need your help with the s c. Keep having fun bye x x x

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